5G is the key to this powerful new connectivity
There are so many potential applications for 5G-supported HRS within manufacturing, the possibilities are infinite.
At 5G Factory of the Future our current use cases are showing that there is scope for improving defect detection, lifting overall quality and reducing takt time.
These improvements have the potential to transform the industry:
- Estimated 15% reduction in maintenance time
- Estimated 65% reduction in travel costs
The improved speed and bandwidth of 5G has opened up a world of possibilities for streamlining the more physical elements of manufacturing.
One of the most exciting ways we’re exploring these possibilities at 5G Factory of the Future is through Hybrid Reality Spaces.
What are Hybrid Reality Spaces?
Hybrid Reality Spaces (HRS) connect the real world with the digital using technologies such as virtual and augmented reality. By combining AI and remote connectivity they give us new ways to make processes more accurate and efficient.
HRS are being used here to guide operators through an assembly process, making it faster, easier and more accurate.
- Laser highlight where components need to be placed
- Sensors verify that the component is in the right position
- Cameras capture data in order to analyse and improve the process
This technology can be incorporated into a smart workbench, glovebox or a number of similar manufacturing set-ups where precise assembly is required.
Adopting HRS-supported processes like these will allow industry to optimise performance, reduce cycle time and maximise production.
The AI required can effectively train itself from a CAD model, allowing for rapid prototyping
Connecting you to experts, wherever they are in the world
Thanks to advances in 5G, we can also use HRS to allow experts to work off-site.
Inspection, supervision and other technical checks and approvals can all take place remotely.
- Inspection and supervision can take place simultaneously
- Multiple inspections can be carried out by a single inspector
- Travel to site is reduced saving time and money
AI-driven inspection is also possible for your processes, freeing up operators to focus on more detail-driven tasks
Helping you work in challenging places and spaces
HRS allows technology to go where the humans may struggle to work safely, allowing operators to carry out complex fittings and repairs comfortably and effectively at a distance.
This can help:
- Engineers working on large, complex machinery such as aircraft
- Operators working in hazardous environments

Beyond the factory floor…
As well as general manufacturing applications, 5G Factory of the Future is exploring multiple uses for HRS technology:
- Pharmaceuticals – ensuring pinpoint accuracy of process and procedure in a lab setting.
- Agriculture – monitoring ripeness of produce and tracking efficient routes for harvesting.
- Military – connecting healthcare professionals to casualties for treatment in dangerous environments.
- Energy sector – maintaining assets in challenging environments (oil rigs, wind turbines).
The 5G Factory of the Future programme will define a new paradigm for how future factories will operate - enabling connectivity and business agility.

Join the 5G manufacturing revolution
Industry 4.0 is here, bringing with it many opportunities for the world of manufacturing – and beyond.

At 5G Factory of the Future we’re passionate about helping organisations find out how HRS and other 5G-enabled technologies can work for their unique
We can help you in several ways:
- We offer consultancy and advice to find out what might work for your company
- We have a testbed where we can trial your concepts
- We give training to educate on the benefits and possibilities of 5G
Interested in finding out more?
The future is here. 5G is benefitting manufacturers, contact the team to find out how it can help you.
Industrial Applications
5G Factory of the Future has developed five use cases for 5G in manufacturing, delivering innovation with measurable outcomes.